Orders move through the fulfillment center quickly, so modifying your order is not guaranteed. If you're unable to edit your order, your item may be eligible for returns. You may find our Returns/Replacement policy here.
If your order is eligible for cancellation, you can cancel and place a new order to add in new items.
An order is eligible for cancellation if it meets any of the following:
-Launch is active
-In-stock (shows as "Ready to be shipped" on the product page) can be cancelled within 1 hour after placing order, or before the order is transmitted to the warehouse.
-Original shipping estimate is delayed
Please keep in mind that some options have a limited quantity, so your desired option may not be available.
If you wish to remove an item from your order in which that launch is still active, you can make the change on drop.com/transactions. If you have multiple items in one order, please contact Support to determine eligibility.